NB. this functionality is still in beta and will soon be released publicly. Click here for a demo on how it will work.

2FA or two-factor authentication is an important second security layer for your account. An example that is often used to explain this is when you want to withdraw money at the ATM. It takes the first factor, your ATM Card, and a second factor, your PIN, in the right combination (right Card and right code) to access your money.

Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security for your account, making it harder for the bad guys to gain unauthorized access. With 2FA, knowing the username and password alone is not enough to get in — you also need a second “factor”: something you know (e.g., your mother’s maiden name); something you have (e.g., a code issued via SMS, or by an app or dongle); or something you are (e.g., you fingerprint) that a hacker doesn’t (or isn’t). 

You can also watch this explainer video from Motherboard about two-factor authentication:

The security of Konfident is based upon your email account. By clicking on a link in an email from Konfident you verify that you are you, by proving that it's your email account. 

However, what happens if someone else gets access to your email account? Sometimes people share their passwords for convenience reasons, or email accounts gets hacked. In that case, that other person would also have the opportunity to access your Konfident user account. 

To prevent this you can add an extra method to prove that you are you. In the simplest version you add your mobile phone number and Konfident will send you a secret link or code over SMS. Then you have two things ("factors") proving your identity. A hacker would need access to both your email account and your phone to log in.

Konfident also has an alternative twp-factor solution provided by Covr Security. This solution is more secure than SMS and also more convenient to use. You start with installing the Covr app on your phone and then follow the instructions from Konfident to connect it to your account. The Covr app has several methods for you to verify your ID when logging in to Konfident, including fingerprint and face recognition, depending on what phone you have and what authentication mechanisms it supports.