If you are logged out of your workspace in KONFIDENT or are trying to access your workspace from another computer or browser, you must first log in. First go to your workspace address: 


Start by choosing your login method:

(Your method of login is pre-determined from when you first were invited to a workspace)

Login with email 

This is the simplest form of login, where security is only determined by the security of the email account. If someone gets access to the email account, they also get access to your workspace in KONFIDENT.


Click the "Next" button after email and enter the chosen email address.

The chosen email address will receive a mail with a verification link.


When clicking on the "Verify Identity" button, the identity is confirmed and a window in the browser will open with the message "verification completed"



The workplace will now be accessible in your browser.

Login with 2FA, Email and SMS 

The most common type of 2FA is to combine e-mail with an SMS consisting of an individual verification link that both needs to be activated.


Select 2FA as the invitation option, fill in the "in" E-mail + Phone number (2FA) "field and enter the desired email address and mobile number.

 NOTE that you must enter the mobile number with the country code first (+46 in Sweden).



An invitation is now sent by email. Click “accept invitation” and a window will open in the browser.



Proceed in verifying the detail by following the instructions.



When both links have been validated you will see the window below. Click “finish” 

The workspace is now open in your browser.



Login with BankID (OBS only in Sverige) 

KONFIDENT supports other types of two-factor authentications.

BankID is a Swedish verifications method used by authorities and several other services. Naturally, this can also be used with KONFIDENT.

To invite a user through BankID you can either choose to enter the person's social security number ("Social security number") directly in your invitation or you can invite the user by email only and later the user can insert their social security number by themselves. In order to do this, you must also add the user's email address so that the user can be notified of the invitation.

 The user will receive an invitation email with an activation link to click on.



When the user then proceeds to login to the workspace, they need to select "BankID", enter their social security number and confirm with their BankID application.