The most common way to become infected with ransomware is through a phishing mail, where the attacker pretends to be a legitimate mail sender and tricks the recipient to click on a link or download a malicious attachment.

While not directly preventing from ransomware, with Konfident you can trust the people in the team and the documents that they share. Also, a user must actively share a document with a team. No automatic distribution is possible, thus preventing the automatic spreading of viruses and ransomware.

However, even though using Konfident instead of email for file sharing drastically reduces the risk of an attack, the protection isn't bulletproof. If the user by mistake shares an infected file it will still be transferred to the teammates in the team.

A way to minimize impact from ransomware infections would be to store a backup of critical documents away from the end device. With Konfident you can store such documents in the cloud without the risk of exposing them to the service provider. When the device has been restored after the ransomware lockdown, the files can be recovered from Konfident.